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Tara Walsh, the lashpreneur, lashpreneur
Anchor 1


If these coaching sessions help you to bring in ONLY 2-3 NEW Clients that you LOVE and who’s annual value to your Lash Business is $1000-2000…

The coaching sessions have not only paid for themselves BUT you've also made

an AMAZING Return on your Investment (ROI).

Even Vegas Can't Give You These Odds!

Schedule a Complimentary "Hello Call" so we can get to know each other and where you're at in your Lashpreneur Journey! There's no obligation, this is just a chance for us to get to know each other and for you to get your questions answered and see if Lash Business Coaching is the best option for you to take your lash business to the next level!


This 1 hour coaching session involves personal coaching from Tara on your specific eyelash extension business.


It's designed for help on one aspect of your lash business that you'd like guidance, inspiration, and motivation on.


Examples could be

(but certainly are not limited to):

  • Social Media or Website evaluation, feedback and inspiration.

  • Creating and developing a marketing plan.

  • Tips on building a clientele that you love.

  • Troubleshooting retention or speed issues.

  • Systems to automate your business so it starts to run without your overseeing every single detail.

  • Social Media Strategy for marketing your services

  • Goal setting and an actionable plan to achieve those goals.

  • Pricing Strategy: what to charge, how to handle money talks with clients and when/how to raise your prices.

  • How to set healthy business boundaries with clients with policies, procedures, and consent forms.

Investment: $250


These 3 (1) hour sessions with Tara typically happen 3-4 weeks apart. This allows you time to implement what was learned during the first session and get follow up guidance, direction and advice.


It can also be used to address multiple questions or issues you may be having in your Lashpreneur journey if you have concerns and one session just isn't going to cut it!


This is also a great option if you're ready to take the next step in your eyelash extension or beauty business and need the guidance, know how, and accountability of what steps to take next! Having the guidance and How To's from someone who's been in your shoes and found the path to success is a GAME CHANGER! You'll also have unlimited email/messaging opportunities with Tara to address any questions that come up in between coaching sessions.

This package comes with a FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to our Group Coaching Program ($500 value)

Investment: $599 

(Savings of over $150!)


All Prices are in USD


6 (1) hour coaching sessions with Tara occur over a few months depending on how quickly you accomplish your goals laid out in each session, but the sessions occur 3-4 weeks apart. These sessions are going to be TRANSFORMATIONAL to your lash business and your life!


Each session will give you the road map you need to reach your short term goals, which in turn will help you to reach your long term goals. You will be guided by Tara to dream big and reach those dreams


This is for someone who knows where they want to be but is struggling to get there and could use support, tools and resources to cut the learning curve down and start making money! This is for someone motivated and ready to see RESULTS in their eyelash extension business, you'll also have the step by step plan to achieve greatness, to realize your potential and to find your inner boss lady business owner to know you have what it takes to reach your goals. You'll also have unlimited email/messaging opportunities with Tara to address any questions that come up in between coaching sessions. This really is the best value for your money!

This package comes with a FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to our Group Coaching Program ($500 value).


Investment: $997

(Savings of over $500!!!)

I'm Still Not Sure if Having a Lash Business Coach is for Me...

Imagine you wake up in the morning and enjoy your favorite cup of coffee. You take your time getting ready for the day by either doing your hair and makeup or spending a little extra time with your family. You planned your schedule just right to avoid the rush hour commute. Those poor souls stuck in traffic to go sit in a cubicle, you get to spend all day in this totally serene and zen-like space that you’ve worked so diligently to create and listen to music that soothes your soul, talk with people who inspire and excite you, and enjoy the freedom of being your own boss.


Once you arrive at “work”, you check your schedule for the day and you are giddy with excitement as you see your schedule is full for the day (including an hour lunch!). You have 3 touch up clients who you can’t wait to catch up with and you see there’s a new full set client, “Erica", who is a referral from “Jill” who is your absolute FAVORITE client and is always sending you the most amazing referrals. Erica has been waiting for weeks for you to be available because she's obsessed with Jill’s lashes and refused to go anywhere else but to  you. The day has finally come that she gets to wear your lash work!


You look at your schedule for the upcoming week and notice a client has rescheduled their Saturday touch up appointment online leaving you with one opening. Your waitlist is 2 gals deep and sure enough, “Nicole" jumped at the chance to fill that spot. Your services are in high demand and you’ve created boundaries in place for your business that you know exactly how much you’ll be making this week. This knowledge leaves you filled with joy because you have a vacation planned next month and this week’s income is the final cash you need to fully fund that trip.


You finish your day of lashing to sit down to catch up on a couple of to-do’s and then you jet out the door for the day to meet up with that hot date of yours. You’re not stressed and overworked. You’re not a hurricane of emotion and insecurity. You are confident about your business. You are secure in your path and where your life is heading. You are free to choose how and what your life looks like.


This paints a beautiful picture doesn’t it? I’m not here to sell you on this picture, I’m here to show you that this is my life. I assure you this wasn’t always my life. I’m a recovering overworked, anxious, hot mess of a hurricane. I have learned the hard way and I was the chronic work harder not smarter type of Lashpreneur. What I would’ve done to cut the learning curve and time down to get to where I am today!?! You know what I did in the trenches of self doubt and fear…I asked for help. I sought guidance, support, and the tools to grow my business from someone who was where I wanted to be. I pursued knowledge and education to create a business that worked for me (and not me for it). I still, to this day, receive mentoring and coaching for various aspects of my life and career goals. I am here to tell you that the impact and  importance of having a mentor and coach is invaluable to taking your dreams and aspirations and making them an actual step by step plan to reality. NO. MORE. GUESSING!

If any of this sounds like you, or even sparks your interest, and you are absolutely committed to making your lash business goals a reality, then trust that little voice inside that’s telling you that this is what you’ve been looking for. Know that it’s normal for it to feel scary or intimidating. Know that there’s no pressure or obligation to do anything but fill out the Coaching Application and see what possibilities could come from stepping up and raising your hand. Saying “I’m in.” Saying “I want more. I want better.” 


If you know you have to move your business and your life forward and are ready to step into your business owner lifestyle and start to truly kick ass in your lash business…


High five! Let’s do this!

Schedule a Complimentary "Hello Call" so we can get to know each other and where you're at in your Lashpreneur Journey! There's no obligation, this is just a chance for us to get to know each other and for you to get your questions answered and see if Lash Business Coaching is the best option for you to take your lash business to the next level!

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