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About Tara Walsh

Hello my fellow Lashpreneur!


I'm so glad you stumbled upon this site and if I know you, and I'm pretty sure I do, you've come here looking for answers. You have questions and you can't stand the thought of failing at it six different times in order to get the answer. You totally get that there's a learning curve in every aspect of our industry...I mean hello?! Have you taken a Russian Volume class. Then you get it. You get that it can take time and energy to master any craft and running a business is no different.

I truly, madly and deeply want to help minimize your learning curve and give you the support, guidance, and motivation you need to cut down on the hardships of starting, building and growing a thriving lash business.


I know I searched high and low for answers when I first decided to venture out on my own as a "Solopreneur" Lash Business Owner and could not find the mentorship and answers I was looking for.  I spent hours piecing together tidbits of advice from various different eyelash extension business owners and likeminded business professionals alike and it was slow. I mean snails pace! I went into leaving my “stable” job as an esthetician for a corporate spa knowing I wanted to run a profitable business the right way and felt I could do that better than my current employer could. But what was the right way? I had a Business Management Degree and 8+ years in corporate Sales, Marketing and New Business Development to my credit. It can't be that hard can it? Famous last words, right?

I have learned so many valuable lessons during my own Lashpreneur Journey, I have implemented systems that helped my business run more smoothly without my overseeing every single step and I built a thriving, full price paying, loyal clientele that made for a profitable business within 6 months. I was fully booked with a waitlist by 8 months. At 12 months I stopped accepting new clients and by 14 months I raised my prices to be one of the highest priced lash artists in my highly saturated market.  

Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? YES!


We'll get into all the nitty gritty details of how to START your very own lash business if you're just toying with the idea, you'll gain practical tips on how to market yourself and -not- be the "Best Kept Secret" in your City/Town, and we'll go in depth on how to BUILD an amazingly loyal clientele that's willing to pay you full price for your services. 


Do you have all of that figured out by now? Well you're in luck because to GROW your lash business to being more than just you in a room by yourself is a topic I’m passionate about because I’ve heard endless “cautionary tales” about what not to do and dag nabbit! It doesn’t have to be a miserable nightmare. You can have the lash business of your dreams, the only thing holding you back is you realizing your potential and finding a road map on how to get there.



Congrats on taking the first step in putting on your big girl business owner panties, putting your hair in a messy bun and taking ownership of your career! We're going to learn a lot and you're gonna kick ass all the way to the bank.

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