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Filling Other Lash Artists Work

Don't turn away a perfectly good client who is suffering from "bad-lash-itis" or who had a bad experience with her previous lash artist. Now don't get me wrong, there are just some lashes you cannot do a touch up on and need a removal and new full set. However, if isolation is alright and there are enough extensions to be considered a touch up and not a full set... WHY WOULDN'T YOU?!? That clients annual value to you is $1000-2000 and if you have a blanket policy of not filling in other lash artists work and demand they pay a full set price, you've just lost what could be a very loyal and appreciative client who probably sought you out specifically for your expertise to solve their lash woes! Create a policy for new client touch ups that, given proper application from their previous lash artist, allows for you to become their new life long lash artist.


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