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Photo Angles

Pardon me while I get on my little soap box about flattering and attractive before and after lash photos. No more excuses my fellow lash artists, maybe you are guilty of using this eye angle in your before and after photos…all of the photos used in this video are mine from when I was a baby lash artist…so I am guilty as charged. But now I know better and now so do you! Any photo of your lash work you post online for the purpose of marketing or advertising should cause a prospective client (or even some of your current ones!) to go “I want those lashes!” “Those eyes are SOOO pretty, can mine look like that” or even better “I’ll pay you whatever you want…as long as you make my eyes look like that!”. Posting photos that do not flatter the eye and even cause your non-bugged eyed client to look like a deer in headlights is not helping you to grow your business. You want jaw-dropping photos, even if you’re just starting out and the lashes look sparse and maybe a little “messy”, there are clients who love that look and are looking for you…but your photos emphasizing a clients hood or under eye circles are steering them away from you and to your competition. Play with different angles until you find your signature angle and then work it!!! #lashinc13


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